On Modeling Glottal Source Information for Phonation Assessment in Parkinson’s Disease


Parkinson’s disease produces several motor symptoms, including different speech impairments that are known as hypokinetic dysarthria. Symptoms associated to dysarthria affect different dimensions of speech such as phonation, articulation, prosody, and intelligibility. Studies in the literature have mainly focused on the analysis of articulation and prosody because they seem to be the most prominent symptoms associated to dysarthria severity. However, phonation impairments also play a significant role to evaluate the global speech severity of Parkinson’s patients. This paper proposes an extensive comparison of different methods to automatically evaluate the severity of specific phonation impairments in Parkinson’s patients. The considered models include the computation of perturbation and glottalbased features, in addition to features extracted from a zero frequency filtered signals. We consider as well end-to-end models based on 1D CNNs, which are trained to learn features from the raw speech waveform, reconstructed glottal signals, and zerofrequency filtered signals. The results indicate that it is possible to automatically classify between speakers with low versus high phonation severity due to the presence of dysarthria and at the same time to evaluate the severity of the phonation impairments on a continuous scale, posed as a regression problem.

21st Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association