Deep learning

Deep Speech

Analysis of architectures based on deep learning methods to evaluate and recognize traits in speech signals

Development of machine learning methods to analyze and to characterize the energy consumption of Oil & Gas Colombian companies

A significant amount of energy is wasted in industrial operations due to several factors such as electricity theft, fraud, billing errors, and fault devices, among others. It is important to monitor the behavior of the electricity consumption in order to improve energy usage efficiency. Smart meters have been developed in order to collect information about the electricity consumption behaviors and lifestyles of the consumers. One of the most important applications to monitor energy consumption corresponds to anomaly detection. The main challenge in this application is the lack of fully labeled datasets with annotated information about the presence of anomalies in the time-series. The prpject proposes an unsupervised approach where a deep learning strategy that combines autoencoders and recurrent neural networks is used to detect anomalies in time-series of energy consumption.

Multimodal PD

Asynchronous Non-Intrusive Multi-Modal Analysis of Bio-Signals for the Automatic evaluation of the Neurological State of People With Parkinson's Disease

Phonet: A Tool Based on Gated Recurrent Neural Networks to Extract Phonological Posteriors from Speech

There are a lot of features that can be extracted from speech signals for different applications such as automatic speech recognition or speaker verification. However, for pathological speech processing there is a need to extract features about the …

Surgical mask detection with deep recurrent phonetic models

To solve the task of surgical mask detection from audio recordings in the scope of Interspeech’s ComParE challenge, we introduce a phonetic recognizer which is able to differentiate between clear and mask samples. A deep recurrent phoneme recognition …

A Multitask Learning Approach to Assess the Dysarthria Severity in Patients with Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a variety of motor and non-motor symptoms. Particularly, several speech impairments appear in the initial stages of the disease, which affect aspects related to respiration and the …

Multimodal assessment of Parkinson's disease: a deep learning approach

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a variety of motor symptoms. Particularly, difficulties to start/stop movements have been observed in patients. From a technical/diagnostic point of view, these movement changes can …

Convolutional Neural Network to Model Articulation Impairments in Patients with Parkinson's Disease.

Speech impairments are one of the earliest manifestations in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Particularly, articulation deficits related to the capability of the speaker to start/stop the vibration of the vocal folds have been observed in the …